Friday, 22 July 2011

Fin del Mundo Snow Polo Cup 26-27 August 2011

We are very excited to announce our partnership with Invictus SnowPolo in the promotion and marketing of the best snow polo tournament in Argentina -Fin del Mundo Snow Polo Cup - 26-27 August 2011, Ushuaia, Argentina.

Start the snow polo season in style...

Come and start the snow polo season early in Argentina with the Fin del Mundo Snow Polo Cup. Held in Ushuaia, Southern Argentina, in the Tiero del Fuego region, Ushuaia is the 
southern most city in the world, hence the aptly named title of 'End of the World' tournament.

The snow polo pitches are taken care of throughout the year, by a specialized ground staff with over 40 years of experience. This begins some months before competitive games take place, even before the first snowfall and continues throughout the snow season, using up-to-date machinery and taking into account the temperature variations to archive the correct solidity. This ensures the best conditions for the tournaments and allows the games to be played safely at a maximum speed, whist maintaining good pitch conditions throughout the season.

A great place to stay and visit...
Ushaia is the region's biggest tourist draw, home to some outstanding museums and a gateway to the natural spectacles of Canal Beagle and Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego, as well as the ski resort of Cerro Gastor. A perfect place to come see some amazing snow polo and have a great holiday in a sublime landscape.

We hope to see you all there! More details will follow shortly. If you are interested in advertising your products at the tournament or would like more details about the sponsorship packages available, please email


The Polera team

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Breaking news! Our partnership with Invictus Snow Polo

The Polera have partnered with Invictus Snow Polo 
to promote the Fin del Mundo Snow Polo Cup

We are very excited to announce our partnership with Invictus SnowPolo in the promotion and marketing of the best snow polo tournament in Argentina - Fin del Mundo Snow Polo Cup - 26-27 August 2011, Ushuaia, Argentina. We hope to see you all there! If you are interested in advertising your products at the tournament or would like details about the sponsorship packages available, please email

Please also follow them on facebook and check out their website 

Some highlights from last year's tournament. Don't miss out this year!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Save the date: Polo Girls Society to host Women's Polo Clinic - Friday 12th August - Saturday 13th August 2011

Save the date!!! 

The Polo Girls Society are holding a Women's Polo Clinic at Great Meadows Polo Club & Madcap Farm on Friday 12th August and Saturday 13th August 2011.

 Learn to play polo or sharpen your skills & experience the Polo lifestyle! (Beginner and Advanced levels are catered for, no previous polo experience is necessary!) 

Register now, email

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Our new associated partnership with the Polo Girls Society

Breaking news - new Associate Partner for The Polera!!

The Polera are very excited to announce our associated partnership with the Polo Girls Society. 

This is a great partnership for The Polera as like us they share in our mission to bring polo to the world and are keen to develop and introduce a new generation to the sport of Polo. We are very excited to have the Polo Girls Society as our partner and will be promoting their events and tournaments here so you won't miss out!

Check out their website and don't forget to add them on facebook and follow them on twitter.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Polera are looking for sponsors for the best polo in the world!

The Polera are looking to find businesses, resorts, hotels, polo holidays, polo clubs, etc. who are interested in joining our "The Polera Argentina Polo Open Tour 2011". (Check out our blog on The Polera Argentine Open tours for more information)

We have a range of amazing sponsorship and advertising opportunities available to you, for further information please email the team now at

Wanted: Polo grooms, farriers, riders and horse breakers!!

Calling all polo grooms, farriers, riders and horse breakers!! Are you looking for work? 

Then email us your CV today. We need polo grooms, farriers, riders and horse breakers urgently for positions we have on our books in the UK and overseas. 

Email the team your CV now to and we will help you find your next position.

The Polera do promotional films with Adolfo Cambiaso!!!

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